Let’s say you worked with one hosting provider for a while, and then found a more suitable option for yourself and decided to change the hosting. At the same time, you will have to spend money to buy hosting and time to transfer the site. If this scares you, you can stay on the old hosting and accept all the inconveniences.
Due to the lack of necessary knowledge and experience, many site owners lose a lot of time and money when transferring their resource from one hosting to another.

Transferring a site to another hosting by steps
Step 1. Learn the new provider
The most important thing before starting the procedure is to decide on the choice of a new hosting provider and carefully study all its services and characteristics. It will be a shame if, after the work done, it turns out that the new hosting is no better or even worse than the previous one. After a bad experience, you probably found out what technical specifications you need. Choose a $1 Web Hosting UK service that fully meets your requirements, study the reviews and ratings of hosting companies.
Step 2. Make a backup of the site
Download the databases and files of your site to your computer. Then, upload this data to the server of the new $1 Hosting USA, check the correctness of the IP address specified in your account. After that, you need to check several pages of your site to make sure that it works correctly, whether images and video files are displayed correctly, and whether links work. If you find any problems, you will have to change the source code of the site, in those places where it fails.
Step 3. Create a Mail account
On the new server, you need to re-create all email accounts, set up an autoresponder, and forward from the old address (meaning a mailbox like this admin@mytruehost.com). It should be remembered that the new account on the mail will start working only after the domain transfer from one hosting to another is completed. Unfortunately, there is no way to check the mail operation before the domain transfer process is completed.
Step 4. Change the DNS of the domain server
Domain transfer is the next step. In the domain control panel, change the nameserver on which your domain is located. This information can be obtained in the hosting account of the provider that you are working with again. Typically, you will get 2 nameservers – a primary and a secondary name. You should also specify how much you will pay annually for the renewal of the rights to the domain name in the new hosting company. If the price is too high, then you should consider moving your domain name to the care of some other registrar in the future.
Changing the nameserver in the domain will take 1-2 days. Unfortunately, during this period, your site will not be available to you or your site visitors. Usually this procedure does not take more than 2 days (up to 48 hours).
Step 5. Break off cooperation with the old provider
After the nameservers changes, you will start receiving emails to the “new” email account on the new server. You should not immediately delete your account on the old hosting. One can also go with the Cheap Reseller Hosting Australia for ultimate results. For a few days, observe whether the redirection is correct, whether you receive emails from your old account. If there are no problems with this, you can safely stop working with the old hosting provider. To do this, contact the support service, and ask for the deletion of your account from the hosting provider’s server. For more details, must visit to the – https://www.mytruehost.com/