Archive for the ‘Mysql’ Category

The Impact Of Perfect Website Hosting In Recent Times

Web hosting is a simple agenda where you can individually start up with your own business and that can be shared using various servers so that everyone can have some benefits using the particular website. Talking about web hosting in simple terms there are many web hosting that is done in small as well as […]

Web Hosting Services – What To Analyze Before Making A Website?

Web hosting services are provided by many of the hosting companies and individual groups. These web hosting companies offer you various deals which are suitable for different need of yours. In this article, we discuss on the issue of how to go about choosing a web hosting deal which would suit best on your requirement. […]

Spreading Business Of Web Hosting Services

Business of Web Hosting is mushrooming day by day with growing online businesses. Web Hosting firms supply a large number of services.  Online page and little scale file hosting are the most elementary level of services that are offered by web hosting companies. Computer files, images, videos or text are uploaded by method of either […]

Characteristics Of Hosting World And Its Best Uses

The internet is one of the best tools of this technological and computer era. Unlimited websites are available on the internet and many websites are launching daily to serve various purposes. From simple household stuff to very important information, we all can have the same by surfing associated websites on internet. The trend of computerization […]

Why It Is Compel To Take Hosting Services?

Just creating a website isn’t all. It is necessary that everyone has access to it. Hence, until and unless one hosts a website, even the best of the websites aren’t going to be successful. Therefore, one must definitely host their website on the internet i.e. to say the World Wide Web. The Benefits of Hosting […]

Compulsory Things To Do For Online Business

Online business is growing at fast rate. Taking your business to online services is a step which will earn everybody’s praise. If we look around us, we will find out that everything seen by our eyes is directly or indirectly related with some kind of business. Activities like, people travelling by vehicles, commercial shops, filling […]

Boom In The Internet And Web Hosting Service In 21st Century

Web hosting enables the companies to make their websites. With increase in demand & competition, web hosts all the time implementing new plans to encourage its sale and hence create a win-win situation for all. In the 21st century, we have witnessed a century marked with the rise of technology. With the advent of high […]

How To Find Your Perfect $1 Web Hosting?

Many companies and individuals are searching the perfect web hosting for their website. Today, everyone is using the technology to increase their business and be successful on the market. Web hosting is one of the main tools if you want to develop your business and use the technology. Web hosting service allows all companies and […]

What Is The Cheapest Way To Develop Your Business Through Hosting?

If you want to increase your business and be successful you should always searching for new tools how to do that in an easy and fast way. Having a website is one step closer for developing your business and be recognized on the business market in your country or even in the world. But, having […]

upgrade mysql version on linux server

You can upgrade your mysql version from 5.0 to 5.5 by using following steps     1. Enable remi repository for yum wget wget sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-5*.rpm epel-release-5*.rpm 2. Run mysqldump to export data out from MySQL 5.0 mysqldump -uroot -p –all-databases > mysqlbackup.sql 3. Run ‘yum –enablerepo=remi install mysql mysql-server mysqlclient’ 4. […]