How to enable viewing HTML content in Horde.

By default it is not possible for us to view the emails in HTML format using Horde webmail interface. All the html content will be displayed at the top of the page and will be requested to download.

To fix this issue, you have to enable “Inline HTML message viewing” for Horde in the server.

To enable “Inline html message viewing” you can perform the following steps:

 1. Goto the horde imp configuration folder at /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/config2. Edit the file mime_drivers.php using your favorite editor.3. Change the following line
$mime_drivers[‘imp’][‘plain’][‘inline’] = false;


$mime_drivers[‘imp’][‘plain’][‘inline’] = true;

4. Restart the cpanel service in the server.

Now you will be able to view the html content using Horde webmail interface.


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