If “License expired” error is encountered while accessing the cpanel/whm, it can be fixed by following below mentioned steps:
1. Check whether the license is expired.
This is the most obvious cause and simple to verify. Access the URL ‘http://verify.cpanel.net/’ and check the IP of the server.
2. If it is “active”, Run the following command:
This should promptly return to the command line with no messages. If it takes a while, then there is likely a connectivity issue between your server and the licensing server.
3. In that case, check whether the firewall is blocking connections to the licensing server.
Verify that port 2089 TCP outgoing traffic is allowed in the firewall rules.
4. If you’re not sure that your firewall is properly configured, then the best thing to do is temporarily flush your firewall rules. Before flushing the firewall rules, you need to save the firewall rules enabled in the server.
After that you can flush your firewall rules using the command
After that, do the step 2 once again.