Unable to update main FTP account password

Unable to update the main (default) FTP account password via control panel. The following error occurred:


Attempting to modify nonexistent username
Couldn't delete previous ProFTPd user config file.



Unable to update the main FTP user password.

The issue is occurring due to the absence of password entry in the passwd.vhosts file.


#cd /etc/proftpd/
Server:/etc/proftpd#grep userName: passwd.vhosts


This shows that password entry is missing in the /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts. Add the corresponding entry from /etc/proftpd/userName.

The entry can be found from /etc/proftpd/userName.


Server:/etc/proftpd#grep userName: userName
(example:- userName:$1$MAwZd0to$A8U6GQNGwkC0c7DA0P/7..:1697:1697:domainName:/home/userName:/nonexistent)


Add the above entry in /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts.


Server:/etc/proftpd#cat >> passwd.vhosts


This will fix the issue.

Note: Replace the userName, domainName by corresponding values. Also make sure that you are using “>>” instead of “>”. The “cat > passwd.vhosts” will wipe out the entire content in the passwd.vhosts file.

This is applicable to Cpanel, vDeck control panels.

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